Santa Clarita Valley

In late August of 1974 I moved from Blythe, California where I had spent my first year teaching. Dr. Vernon Carter the superintendent of schools in Blythe had ask me to fill out an application and go with him to his new school district (William S Hart Unon High School district) located in Newhall, California. I lived with Dr. Carter and his wife for about two weeks before I could find an appartment to live in--The Californian, located on Newhall Avenue just down the street from the school. For the next two years I lived there, until Patty and I were married in February 1976 at which time I moved into her appartment in Studio City. In June of 1976 we bought our home in Newhall, California where I have now lived for 44 years. I taught for the Hart District for 33 years and one year in Blythe giving me 34 teaching years for my career. The Santa Clarita Valley has now been home for more than 46 years--longer than any other place in my life.

Heritage Park

William S Hart Park